Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Facebook conversation with a Christian:

Christians name has been removed.

  • Not here to debate, but...
    Did you even read what you posted about more Bible contradictions, or do you just look for things that say "Bible Contradictions" or "We can prove Christianity is wrong"? However, I am a firm believer that since you don't fear the Lord as the Bible can't gain wisdom and you also can't interpret what the Bible says. Keep working on your missionary work of belief in non-belief Mike. Please tell me you are smarter than the articles you post and read. Go through those so called contradictions and tell me those aren't construed, or that they aren't just reaching for straws. Check out your boy Hitchins...looks like someone took away his voice. Let me guess...through evolution our bodies have learned to convert their cells to attack the body. Yup...makes sense to me too.

    The more I read of these Mike, the more I think that you just post random stuff against Christianity because you want to sound intelligent in your arguments against the Faith by using other's ideas. You may want to consider who and what you are reading before posting. I just read through the majority of these, and I started to question one, did you really read it, and two, maybe your reading comprehension is a step behind. If you would like, I can break some of them down for you with the wisdom that the Lord has blessed me with. Maybe then they will make more sense. I recommend that you start meeting with someone regularly if this is how your brain interprets the Bible. Maybe then you will be able to see and hear through their wisdom. Then you will realize that your arguments are weak and that you actually were correct at one point in your walk with the Lord. Oh, and I recommend you study with a Christian that one but a Christian can gain true interpretation and understanding of the Bible...go ahead and argue it. You already supplied me with what you put your stock into.

    • You are the one taking the bible out of context, not me . Disease took away Hitches voice not some fictional deity, a disease called cancer. So what about all the other cancer patients that are religious and who pray to God to live, yet they die? Bible states all prayers will be answered no matter what they prayed for. How about all the starving children, are their prayers answered?

      John 15:7 
      "But if you stay joined to me and my words remain in you, you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted." As stated right here ANY request you like will be granted. Jesus says this.

      Go ahead take that passage out of context to fit your needs. 

      • Awww....good try mike. I have no reason to post on your wall. I wasted more than enough time on you guys. I'd rather just enjoy the joy in my heart that the Lord put there. Once again, scripture isn't your strong point and you're in this world alone by your own choice. Silly mike...just silly. Hey, did ya ever figure out where those non-tangible emotions came from? I'll keep praying for you guys. God Bless.

        • Then why message me if you wasted your time or what the fuck ever. Again I did not take that passage out of context. You just ignored my questions, so why doesn't God answer everyones prayers? His son, which is really him, states that you ask and you shall receive no matter what. Im not in this world all alone, lmfao I love this one, I have my friends, family and my cat. I've read the bible 3 times, on the 4th working on a book. I do not have a degree in theology, but I can point you to an atheist who does. Apparently you have something to hide because you wont post out in the open. And if someone else comments besides me all you have to do is ignore them, not answer them but only me. So you can't use that as an excuse. You can lighten your prayer load by not praying for me, Yahweh won't answer them for you because he isn't real.

          • Guess I shouldn't say your answer is ignorant, just haven't experiences how the Lord works. The Lord answers every prayer. Random example: let's say I ask God to do something, but He knows that whatever I just prayed for actually will hurt me in some way shape or form...then He answers your prayer through not providing that object for you. Of I pray to God for a Ferrari full of 100 dollar you think he is going to give that to me? No. That is just silly. I don't k ow why you argue the scripture when you k ow the answers. Instead you would rather spin things to fit your new argument. I really don't understand the purpose of you reading the Bible if you know it's not true. That is just silly. Let me guess, I do it so I can prove Christians wrong. One, you aren't gonna shake this root. Two, trying to remove someone's sense of hope is wicked. You say you are just trying to open their eyes and teach them. Wrong. You want opera to support your views so you don't look like such an ass. Dude, I don't like what you do. I don't like tour beliefs. I think you do wicked things. I want nothing to do with you as a human, but I will continue to pray whether you like it or not...even if you don't care. Oh yeah, and where do emotions come from again? Why do you grieve the natural processes of science like death. It's natural and par of your evolving world. Oh, and another ? Where are the apes that are in transition from being an ape to becoming a man? I guess that fade just happens over night. Mike you are lost. Fight and argue all you want. You sound like an absolute fool who just goes after something because they have been rejected by society moat of their life. Give it up...Jesus is the way and the light. We both know it. You are just scared to step up to the plate. Say what you want about it. Your still just a cowardly weakling inside.

            • "It's natural and par of your evolving world. Oh, and another ? Where are the apes that are in transition from being an ape to becoming a man? I guess that fade just happens over night."

              Transitional fossils. Go learn up on evolution. We won't see all the transitions of any animal alive, because that transition only survived long enough to pass along it traits and nothing more.

              "Oh yeah, and where do emotions come from again? "
              Through the evolution of our brain, we have all ready discussed this, how about putting down your bible and go actually do some research. And then come talk to me after that. 

              "You want opera to support your views so you don't look like such an ass. Dude, I don't like what you do. I don't like tour beliefs. I think you do wicked things. I want nothing to do with you as a human, but I will continue to pray whether you like it or not...even if you don't care." 

              Your the one looking like a self righteous douche bag not me. Your calling me evil even though you know damn well know I don't do evil things, do you see me raping men and women, how about killing babies, slaughtering everything, stealing, lying, yeah I am so fucking evil it is ridiculous, I guess your right, I need to repent for absolutely fucking nothing. 

              " You sound like an absolute fool who just goes after something because they have been rejected by society most of their life. " 

              Rejected by society? No guess what your wrong, I came to the conclusion of no god(s) through rational thought not because of some stupid society. It seems to me you are the one conforming, I know I sure as fuck ain't. 

              1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

              Now if you want to continue with this bullshit, stick the subject that you claim to fucking know, the bible. Yahweh is good.

              If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother, and
              wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own
              life also, he cannot be my disciple.
              - Luke 14:26

              Your bible even tells you to hate.

              • Once again a misinterpretation. This doesn't literally mean that you hate them as you would think it says. It means that the Father comes first and that you have to have so much love for Him that you are willing to leave all others to follow Him. Come on once knew this you're just trying to change it to fit your case.
                I too used to struggle with that statement FYI. I actually got a great chance to share with one of the people I am teaching that very scripture the other day. Without me stating what I just said...she totally got the answer. Therefore, that isn't "proof" but it shows that wisdom allows believers to interpret the Bible in the same way where non-believers cannot.
                Alright...have about 3.2 seconds to type on break. One, I notice a heavy change in your tone. Two, I'm strictly following the Word of God. I have not condemned you to hell. I have simply stated fact. Yeah, i can see where I've started judging I apologies, but then again you don't believe the what's it matter in your mind? We are just freak anomalies of science that don't exist. Read the book of Jude. If you can't see what you are doing within this book...we probably don't need to converse anymore on the fact that one, I've done what work I can with you and two, wasting anymore time sharing with you takes away from my personal time with God. Yeah, let me guess...I need to always share God's work and show love for others. Well, id rather spend time with Him than some arrogant selfish ignorant person like you. I have tried that with you and I could have shared with several folks in the time and effort that I spent with you. Good luck.

                There you go again, I am far from arrogant, selfish and ignorant. I'm not the one making an outrageous supernatural claim with any supporting empirical evidence to support it. Maybe you need to take a look at your bible again, stop picking and choosing what you want to hear. 

                • By interpreting you are adding to the words. You are changing the definition of hate in the Luke 14:16 passage to fit your needs.

                  Deuteronomy 12:32
                  See that you do all I command you; do not add to it or take away from it.

                  Proverbs 30:5-6

                  5 “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 
                  6 Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

                  1 Corinthians 4:6-8
                  6 Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written.” Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower of one of us over against the other.
                  Paul was reiterating what has been said in Deuteronomy and Proverbs. To go beyond what Scripture says means one is motivated by pride, the same character trait that made the Devil fall into sin.

                  Hate: intense dislike; extreme aversion or hostility.

                  If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother, and
                  wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own
                  life also, he cannot be my disciple.
                  - Luke 14:26

                  One more thing why only 66 books make it into the bible? What about all the others? Take just the New Testament apocrypha for instance, if ALL scriptures are god breathed as stated in the bible why didn't these get published.

                  No response after my last message.

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